Showing posts with label Technical Assistant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technical Assistant. Show all posts

RITES Technical Assistants Jobs Recruitment 2014 Online Application Form Download

RITES Technical Assistants Jobs Recruitment 2014 Online Application Form Download Details are given below.

RITES Technical Assistant Jobs Recruitment 2014 : RITES ( Rail India Technical and Economics Service ) Limited are Invites walk in interview from Eligible Candidates Diploma for the Recruitment of 16 Technical Assistants Posts.
RITES Technical Assistant Jobs Recruitment who are eligible for RITES Jobs Walk in Interview On 10-04-2014 And 11-04-2014.
RITES Technical Assistant Jobs Recruitment Complete Details at Section like Age Education, No.of Posts, How to apply Etc Details are given below OR RITES Technical Assistant Jobs Recruitment Complete Details at Official website

RITES Technical Assistant Jobs Recruitment 2014

No.of Posts : 16 Posts

Name of the Post : Technical Assistant 

Age : The Eligible Candidates upper age limit be below 35 years as on 1st January 2014. Age Relaxation as per Govt. Rules .

Education : The Applicants Must Qualify 1st Class Diploma in Mechanical /Production/Industrial Engineering /Metuurgy /Chemical Engineering from AICTE/ govt. 

Remuneration : Applicants Can get Rs. 10800/-, Per Month.

RITES Technical Assistants Jobs Recruitment 2014 Online Application Form Download

How to Apply : RITES Technical Assistants Jobs Recruitment Eligible Applicants Can attend interview along with all required documents like education, Age, Experience, and more Supporting Documents are Submit at the time of Interview on 10-04-2014 And 11-04-2014

Interview Date : 10-04-2014 And 11-04-2014
Time Of Interview : 10.00 A.M 

Technical Assistant Group C jobs in UPPSC recruitment 2013 apply online application

UPPSC released a recruitment notification for the technical assistant group C jobs through online application

  1. Uttap pradesh Public Service Commission UPPSC released a recruitment notification for the technical assistant group C jobs through online application. This jobs details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website for details and online application. Total number of posts are 6628.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must apply through online application through website Last date for submission of application 21.11.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the posts: Technical Assistant group C
Number of posts: 6628.

Age: Candidates must have attained 21 years and not have crosses 40 years as on 1.07.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses bachelor degree in agriculture from recognized university or institution.

Fee: General and OBC candidates have to pay 115/- and SC/ST candidates pay 55/- and  handicapped candidates pay 15/- print out the E- Challan in duplicate deposit the fee in any branches of SBI or Punjab national bank.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must apply through online application through website Last date for submission of online application 21.11.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of  technical assistant group C jobs and online application.

Last date for submission of online application: 21.11.2013.

RVUNL Technical Helper Jobs Recruitment 2013 for Apply online application

RVUNL released a recruitment notification for the technical helper jobs through online application

  1. Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited RVUNL has released a recruitment notification for the technical helper jobs through online application. This jobs details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website for the details and apply online application. Total number of posts are 5741 technical helper jobs.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they apply through online application through website Submission of online application will starts from 20.10.2013 to 14.11.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details: 
Name of the posts:  Technical helper
Number of posts: 5741

Age: Candidates age should be min. 18 years and not be more than 28 years as on last date receipt of application.

Educational Qualification; Candidates must have secondary from RBSE/CBSE or ITI or diploma in relevant trade. See notification for post wise qualification details.

Fee; Un reserved & OBC/BC/SBC /creamy layer category candidates pay 500/- and SC/ST & OBC/BC/SBC non creamy layer category candidates have to pay 300/- through E-mitra /Kiosk center with Charge Rs 10/-. 

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the written test.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must apply through website Submission of online application will starts from 20.10.2013 to 14.11.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of technical helper jobs and apply online application.

Submission of online application will starts from 20.10.2013  to 14.11.2013.

RITES limited recruitment 2013 for Technical Assistant Civil jobs apply online application

RITES released a recruitment notification for the technical assistant jobs through online application

  1. RITES limited released a recruitment notification for the technical assistant jobs through online application through online application. This jobs details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment they must follow official website for the jobs details and apply online application. Total number of posts are 40 technical assistant civil jobs.
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must apply through online application through website Last date for submission of application 31.10.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the posts: Technical Assistant (Civil)
Number of posts: 40

Age: Candidates age should be 35 years as on 01.07.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have diploma in civil engineering from AICTE.

Selection; Candidates selection is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must apply through official website Last date for submission of application 31.10.2013. Candidates send a copy of application containing registration number along with two recent pass port size photograph, required certificate copies reach to the address AGM(P)/Rectt. RITES limited, RITES bhawan, Plot No.1, Sector 2- Gurgaon- 122001 on or before 08.11.2013.

Candidates must visit  for the recruitment details of  technical assistant jobs of RITES Limited and apply online application.

Last date for apply online application: 30.10.2013.
Last date for receipt of application: 08.11.2013.

NIT Patna Technical Assistants Jobs recruitment 2013 Online Application Form

NIT Patna released a recruitment notification for the technical assistants jobs online application form

  1. National Institute of Patna NIT has released a recruitment notification for the technical assistants jobs through online application form. this jobs details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this NIT Patna jobs they must follow official website NIT Patna recruitment total 40 numbers technical assistants of jobs .
  3. Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment they must download online application form from the website duly filled form submit before 02.09.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the posts: Technical Assistants
Number of posts: 40

Age limit: Candidates age should not exceed 30 years.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must posses Bachelor degree/ PG degree in science/ diploma in engineering/ B.E/B.Tech in relevant field PGDCA or equivalent from recognized university/institute.

Selection: Candidates selection is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of NIT patna they have to apply through online application form download from the website Duly filled form with affix recent pass port size photograph, certificate copies  should be reach before 02.09.2013 by registered/speed post to the address Registrar, NIT Patna, Ashok Rajpath, patna - 800005up to 50..PM.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment of NIT patna Technical Assistants jobs details and online application form.

Last date for submission of application: 02.09.2013.

NGRI Technical Assistant Jobs Recruitment 2013 Online Application

NGRI released a recruitment notification for the technical assistant jobs through online application

  1. CSIR- National Geological Research Institute NGRI has released a recruitment notification for the technical assistant jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published in website
  2. Candidates who are interested for this recruitment of technical assistant jobs of NGRI they must follow official website NGRI recruitment total 20 numbers of technical assistant jobs and invites online application.
  3. Candidates who are eligible for this NGRI recruitment they have to apply through online application through website
  4. Last date foe submission of online application 12.08.2013 and submission of application before 16.08.2013.
Candidates see below detailed information of recruitment.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: Technical Assistant
Number of posts: 20

Age limit: Candidates must have age 28 years as on last. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational qualifications: Candidates must posses 1st class B.Sc(maths,physics,chemistry or computers), 10+2 with science subjects followed by diploma instrumentation engg and civil and diploma in computer. More details for educational qualifications see notification.

Fee: Candidates have to pay 100/- in the form of crossed demand draft drawn in favour of any nationlized bank to director, NGRI, payable at Hyderabad. SC/ST/women/PH candidates exempted from fee.

Selection process:  Candidates selection is based on the interview.

How to apply: Candidates who want to apply this recruitment of NGRI jobs of Technical assistant they have to apply through online application through website Candidates login with e-mail id for filling of  application. After successful submission of online application generate a application number, candidates nit down this number. Candidates need to take print out of this application form affix recent pass port size photograph and duly accompanied by  copies of certificates and testimonials, DD should be sent in an cover superscribed with "Application for the post of technical assistant (Post code)..............." by post tot the address the Administrative officer, CSIR- National Geological Research Institute, Uppal Road, Hyderabad- 500007, A.P. Before 16.08.2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details of technical assistant jobs of NGRI  details and apply online application.

Last date for submission of online application: 12.08.2013
Last date submission of print out of application: 16.08.2013.

IPR Recruitment 2013 for Technical Assistant, Clerk Jobs Online Application Form

IPR released a recruitment notification for the jobs Technical assistant, Clerk through online application form

IPR Recruitment 2013: Institute of Plasma Research IPR has released a recruitment notification for the  Technical assistant, clerk jobs through online application form. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates who are interested for this jobs of IPR recruitment of technical assistant, clerk  they must follow official website IPR recruit total 21 numbers of jobs through this notification. Candidates need to download online application form from the website duly filled form sent before closing date. Required details for this IPR recruitment of Technical Assistant, Clerk jobs like age, qualification, selection, how to apply are mentioned below.

IPR Recruitment 2013 for Technical Assistant, Clerk Jobs Online Application Form

Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: 
1. Technical Assistant- B(Mechanical)
2. Technical Assistant - B(Electrical)
3. Technical Assistant -B -(Electronics/Instrumentation & Control)
4. Tradesman -B (AC & Refrigerator)
5. Assistant officer (Accountant)
6. Assistant (Documentation)
7. Office clerk
Total Number of posts:21

Age limit: Below 35 years for post no.5 and below 30 years for all other posts.Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational qualifications: Candidates must have diploma in Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering electronics, instrumentation, control engineering, ITI in AC & refrigerator branch, B.Com, First class graduation/ diploma/ degree in library science, SSC.

Selection process: Candidates selection for the IPR recruitment is based on the written test/ interview.

How to apply:  Candidates who are interested for this IPR recruitemnt of technical assistant, clerk jobs they apply through online application form. This  application form download form the Candidates duly filled this form attested copies of  date of birth, qualification, experience, a resent pass port size photograph pasted on online application form should be sent The project Director, ITER -India, Institue of plasma research, plot No. 29, GIDC Electronics Estate, sector 25, Gandhi Nager - 382016, Gujarat on or before 05-07-2013.

Candidates must visit for the recruitment details and online application form of  IPR recruitment of Technical Assistant, Clerk jobs.

Last date for submission of application: 05-07.2013

Madras Fertilizer Limited Recruitment 2013 for Technical Assistant Jobs Online Application

Madras Fertilizer Limited released a recruitment notification for the technical assistant jobs through online application

Madras Fertilizer limited recruitment 2013:  Madras Fertilizer limited has released a notification for the recruitment of technical assistant jobs through online application. This recruitment details are officially published website Madras fertilizer limited recruitment technical assistant jobs through online application. Candidates who are interested for this jobs they apply through online application through the website of madras fertilizer limited Madras fertilizer recruit total 106 numbers of jobs through this notification. Last date for submission of application 29.06.2013. Required details for madras fertilizer limited of technical assistant jobs recruitment like age, qualification, selection, how to apply are mentioned below.

Madras Fertilizer Limited Recruitment 2013 for Technical Assistant jobs Online Application

Vacancy Details:
Total number of posts: 106
Name of the post: 
1. Operations - 65
2. Mechanical - 22
3. Electrical - 06
4. Lab Analyst - 13

Age limit: Candidates must have age limit 18-25 years as on 29.06.2013.

Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have qualifications Diploma in chemical technology/Chemical engineering/ Petro chemical technology/petrochemical engineering /B.Sc chemistry for the post no.1, Diploma in mechanical engineering, diploma in electrical & electronics engineering and B.Sc Chemistry.

Application fee: General & OBC candidates have to pay the fee 200/- paid through online.No fees for SC/ST?Ex serviceman candidates.

Selection process: Candidates selection  for this Madras fertilizer limited  technical assistant jobs is based on the test/interview.

How to apply: Candidates who are interested for the madras fertilizer limited recruitment of technical assistant jobs they apply through online application. Online application available in the website After successful submission of online application take a print out of sent with fee payment details and photocopies of original certificates and superscribes with application for the post of.............. ." and should be reach 29.06.2013.

Candidates must visit for the details of madras fertilizer limited technical assistant jobs recruitment and online application.

Last date of receipt of application: 29.06.2013